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Does Fear of Falling Influence Spatial and Temporal Gait Parameters

 in Elderly Persons Beyond Changes Associated With Normal Aging?

 Melissa E. Chamberlin, Brandy D. Fulwider, Sheryl L. Sanders, and John M. Medeiros

School of Physical Therapy, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon.

J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Sep;60(9):1163-7.



Background. Limited research exists on fear of falling and its affect on gait parameters. Studies have shown a relationship between fear of falling and restriction of activities. The purpose of this study was to determine if a fear of falling in elderly persons was associated with changes in spatial and temporal gait parameters, independent of a history of falls. It was hypothesized that, in elderly persons, gait changes would be associated with a preexisting fear of falling.


Methods. Ninety-five community-dwelling adults, aged 60–97 years (mean age = 74, standard deviation = 8.5) participated in this study. Participant scores on the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale determined an individual's placement into the “fearful” or “fearless” category. Spatial and temporal gait parameters of speed, stride length, step width, and double limb support time were assessed using the GAITRite system, a computerized electronic walkway.


Results. The fearful group had a significantly slower gait speed (p <.05) and shorter stride length (p <.05) when compared to the fearless group. Stride width was significantly longer (p =.05) and double limb support time was significantly prolonged (p <.05) in the fearful participants when measured against the fearless participants.


Conclusions. The results of this study support the hypothesis that fear of falling does influence spatial and temporal gait parameter changes in elderly persons. Slower gait speed, shorter stride length, increased stride width, and prolonged double limb support time were found to be associated with a preexisting fear of falling.



【アブストラクト】 注)要約となっています。





パラメータは歩行速度、歩幅、歩隔、両脚支持期時間を測定した。転倒恐怖心の評価にはModified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES)を用い、転倒恐怖感を有する群を“fearful群”、有していない群を“fearless群”に分類した。








                (文責 岡崎南病院 理学療法士 首藤康聡)

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